Tattoo care

Already got your brand new tattoo?

We show you the steps to follow and tips to cure and care for your tattoo.

First 24 hours:


After tattooing, the tattoo artist will apply a film or dressing.

In the case of the film, you should remove it when you get home and clean it well with water and neutral ph soap and dry it with absorbent paper.

We recommend placing the paper on top without scratching the surface.

In the case of the dressing we remove it the next day and clean it well with water and neutral ph soap and dry it with absorbent paper.

After cleaning the tattoo we spread the cream creating a thin layer homogeneously. Just the right amount to moisturize the tattoo, as too much cream would have a negative effect.

1st Week:


Clean the tattoo, dry and apply cream three times a day.

Avoid exercise and activities that involve excessive sweating as this could lead to possible infection of the tattoo.

2nd Week:


Clean the tattoo, dry and apply cream twice a day.

3rd Week:


Clean the tattoo, dry and apply cream once a day.

During the curing process we recommend not to take long baths and to avoid swimming pools, since chlorine eats the pigment.